Tag Archives: appellate jurisdiction

MOAC Mall Holdings LLC v. Transform Holdco LLC – The US Supreme Court Unanimously Rules That Section 363(m) Is Not Jurisdictional

On April 19, 2023 the Supreme Court issued its unanimous ruling in MOAC Mall Holdings LLC v. Transform Holdco LLC, 528 U.S ____ (2023), holding that the limitations contained in section 363(m) of the United States Bankruptcy Code are not jurisdictional.  The Supreme Court’s ruling not only resolved a split amongst the circuits, but it … Continue Reading

Equitable Mootness – – Are Bankruptcy Courts Still to be “Courts of Equity?”

The concept of “equitable mootness” is a doctrine of relatively long-standing in bankruptcy jurisprudence. It has been used by courts to avoid determination of issues raised on appeal that would require the unscrambling of a plan previously confirmed and implemented. However, that doctrine has recently been questioned in a variety of decisions. It appears that … Continue Reading